Thursday, June 22, 2017

If Turkey loses Cyprus, it loses everything in the E. Med.


...I do not agree. If anything a Cyprus re-united, is a beginning for Turkey, not an end.

Mr. Erdogan has only to make a small change in intention to recognise Cypriots exist.

What is "Turkishness" may end. That is to say it may change itself, and its intentions. A Cyprus divided, is a Turkey divided. Witness what has been done to Cyprus, having its "Turks", and those, not "Turk". Witness what is happening today, in Turkey, where it is more divided than ever for the same political dogma. There is a big difference between Turks, and "Turks"; this is clear. The Turks are a diverse People. Turkey, as in Cyprus, is not "Turkish", (nor "Greek",) it is and has always been more than that.

And what of the "Greeks" and "Turks" in Cyprus? Think about it, were they ever busy at killing each other? The answer is no. Although at their hands many Cypriots died for not "being" them. "Greeks" and "Turks" are the same, "Greeks" and "Turks" are not Cypriots. It is the Cypriot people who need protection against "them"; this is worth thinking about, in Cyprus, and for Turkey and its Citizens, to be Free, to have Liberty. I have said before, i will say it again, it is not the Turkish Cypriots that should be looking to Turkey for help. It is the other way around. In Cyprus, Turks, as Cypriots have the opportunity to represent themselves as Persons, as a Constituency, and as Individuals to represent themselves as Cypriots. This is the same hope Turks who are not "Turkish" in Turkey have: that they may have in Turkey's own Constitutional reform a form of self-representation as Persons, as Constituencies, as well.

Mr. Akinci is well placed to serve Cypriots, and those who are Turkish; he needs to express his disdain for, "Greeks" and "Turks", being Cypriot, being not "Greek" nor "Turkish". It is time for him to say it well, one Turkey, one Cyprus, so that Turks and "Turks" may find their Peace as Human beings, those who believe in God, and even those who do not, to serve lovingly each other.

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